Crossed-Junction: New Job;

  • Official Writer: Kiyomi Lim! 林清美(キヨミ)
    I'm a Christian that just happens to own a blog! :D

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New Job;

I've got a new job! Working at happyveg that is available at AMK,Tampinese and Vivo. Jumping all over the place.
I've got to know many new friends and learned to treasure many things(:
When I saw how my new friends treasure small little things, I suddenly realised how important little things are.
Guess that I'm such a failure untill now.
My new motivation to work was for our future(: save now, and earn more, invest and get more.
I'm happy to work now.
Boss is a great person, his wife is great too.
That chocolate above was a present from them. Boss told me that he would give his staffs a few chocolates for Christmas, I tot it was those lousy ones. But to my surprise, it was a box of ferrero rocher, one box for every single staff. It was omg.
Full timers got vouchers too.
When my collegue recieved them, she was so so happy and greatful, then I've realised how small little things can satisfy them.

That's all,
Cherie Lim

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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